War By Other Means: Embargoes, Sanctions, Blockades, The Case of Cuba and the Helms Burton Act of 1996
Wed, Jun 08
Join Sandy and others of the Cuban American Society to discuss the effects of a blockade against the small but resistant Island across the Florida Straits only 90 miles away, Cuba. This session can be attended in person at the O.N.E. Community Center at 20 Allen Street in Burlington, or on Zoom.

Time & Location
Jun 08, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
About The Event
When Fidel Castro entered Havana on New Years Day 1959 to proclaim the Cuban Revolution, the United States saw Red: the nightmare of an ally of the Soviet Union and Socialist state 90- miles from our shores. To rid the hemisphere of this menace the USA has employed both hot wars, invasions and violent attacks and war by other means, economic embargoes, blockades, sanctions. In 1996 at at a time when Cuba was devastated by the collapse of the main trade partner of Cuba, the Soviet Union, President Clinton signed the Helms-Burton Act which strengthened the blockade of trade with Cuba in an attempt to destroy Cuba by impoverishing our neighbors the Cuban people.
In May, 2022, a group of Vermonters led by Sandy Baird were invited to the University of Havana Law School to join a seminar to become informed about the Helms Burton Act and to see first hand the harm the blockade has caused the Island.
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