Vladimir Putin: President of Russia
Wed, Mar 16
The shape of a new world order is appearing amidst all the misguided personal attacks on Vladmir Putin, President of Russia. Leader of the discussion will be the Lawyer and Scholar Kurt Mehta, Sandy Baird will moderate.

Time & Location
Mar 16, 2022, 6:00 PM
About The Event
Calling Putin names or speculating on the mental state of the President of the Russian Federation sheds little light on the devastating war in Ukraine . Labelling Putin a "thug"or "lunatic" or " a dictator interested in rebuilding the Soviet Empire" can only obfuscate what is actually happening as the world finds itself on the brink of WW111. After all the din of name calling, this war in Europe's largest country is more than the designs of an evil leader of Russia.
As citizens of the world watch the split up of their planet into two competing and dangerous alliances , NATO v. the emerging agreements between Russia and China , join the Vermont Institute of Community and International Involvement for a community discussion on the shape of a new world order which is appearing amidst all the misguided personal attacks on Vladmir Putin, President of Russia.
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