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Roe v. Wade is gone now. What is next for the women and girls of our nation?

Wed, Jul 13



Join the Vermont Institute of Community and International Involvement as Kurt Mehta, Esq.; Sandy Baird, Esq.; and Justine Snow, Esq. discuss this new reality.

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Roe v. Wade is gone now. What is next for the women and girls of our nation?
Roe v. Wade is gone now. What is next for the women and girls of our nation?

Time & Location

Jul 13, 2022, 6:00 PM


About The Event

Today June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade. Decided in 1973, the Court decided that the 14th Amendment declaring all persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States these born women and girls are therefore entitled to the equal protection of the law and the Constitution. Roe insured that women and girls were guaranteed the same rights as men to make medical decisions in privacy with their doctors and families or in the privacy of their own conscience without the interference of the State, the politicians, family, or church.  The Roe decision stated that as moral agents women were to be trusted to make important decisions about their pregnancies, their families, their futures and their destinies on their own.

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Topic: Roe v. Wade is gone now. What is next for the women and girls of our nation?

Time: Jun 29, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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