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Our Economy in Crisis

Wed, Mar 09



Rising gas prices, Lack of Affordable Housing, Long Waits for Health Care, Blocked Supply Chains, Empty Food Shelves: What is Happening to the American Economy?

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Our Economy in Crisis
Our Economy in Crisis

Time & Location

Mar 09, 2022, 6:00 PM


About The Event

Join the Vermont Institute of Community and International Involvement and the People's Law School as we discuss the confusion and chaos in our economic system. As the mid term elections dominate the news, Americans are facing increasing difficulties to adequately support their families and their lives. Worse, Americans are not receiving assurances from their leaders that this economic crisis will end any time soon or that our leaders have the ability or intelligence to educate us about the crisis or to lead us to any measure of well -being.

Jane Knodell, PhD and Professor of Economics at the University of Vermont will lead the community discussion on this all important topic of our economy in crisis.

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O.N.E. Community Center

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